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Connected Enterprise :: Why?

Standalone ERP/IT systems are like a mobile device without network connectivity - it has the processing power to operate apps locally but no network connectivity. Blatantly limiting, isn’t it! That too in this increasingly interconnected world. When disconnected for any reason, we often say that my phone is dead. Means no different for your standalone enterprise systems.
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{{page:INMOSNGPZJ60:What? - Need to Remove the Silos}}
{{page:INN64LLVWA8A:How? - Multiparty Cloud Platform}}
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Why? - The Upside (Opportunities)

Businesses operate and compete as chains and networks (not as companies)

Business is not a solo sport - fates of businesses are increasingly interlinked

Hyper-connected businesses outdo less-connected rivals

Rapid response, seamless efficiency, end-to-end visibility and on-the-go adaptability are the new competitive advantage

Connectivity expands possibilities

It simplifies experiences, boosts agility, combines clean-data and sparks opportunities to accelerate growth

5 Advantages

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{{page:INY7CK167NN9:The Experience Advantage}}
{{page:INmaH03LT7KJ:The Data Advantage}}
{{page:IN4YXG9PJKIA:The Profitability Advantage}}
{{page:IN52F297J7C3:The Culture Advantage}}

5 More Advantages

{{page:INKYWCD1F48H:The Open Network & Inclusion Advantage}}
{{page:INOESDSGY1FA:The Process & Sync Advantage}}
{{page:INGRKMP9ONT2:The Design, Scope & Technology Advantage}}
{{page:INCIQCDOSSV9:The Personalization & Easy Adoption Advantage}}
{{page:INDNHRNAERUK:The Wildcard & Rapid Adaptability Advantage}}
Over the next decade, learning to operate in a business world with disappearing borders will become a necessity for companies that want to be competitive.

Why? - The Flipside (Threats)

Traditional trade formats are outdated - slow, unresponsive, uncoordinated and opaque. Almost all B2B trade partners recognize the need to change, but are struggling to shift to more modern online methods of trade. Manual interfaces of order processing via phone calls, emails, fax, courier, spreadsheets etc. are clearly inefficient, cumbersome, error-prone and expensive. The process compounds rising complexities in the buy-sell processes. Employees on either side of the trade waste time chasing, matching and reconciling data instead of investing time to more strategic and value-add tasks.

Traditional trade formats are outdated

They are slow, unresponsive, uncoordinated and opaque. Inherently inefficient manual processes with duplicative back-n-forth in inter-party interfaces. Opaque and expensive silos slowdown business and breakdown scale. Poor customer responsiveness - lacks coordination and convenience. Unavoidable rework, duplication and non-value-add tasks.

Customer expectations have changed

Experience is the new age mandate and also the competitive differentiator (with already diluted product and price differentiation). The Amazon Effect has rubbed-off from B2C to B2B. Ease and convenience with on-demand content, live status and the works.

Cannot undermine business agility in the era of instant gratification

Spoilt by options, customers want more and now. With rising customer intolerance and impatience, alongside diluted product and price differentiation, competition is now about speed and responsiveness.

Only 11% active selling time

Too much administration and non-value-added work done by the salesforce. Opportunity to gain sales productivity - double or even triple. Critical to fix the attention deficit in sales as they struggle to chase status updates and to arrange for timely order processing.

Increasingly critical to orchestrate MSME trade partners

Both on the sell-side and buy-side - i.e. distributors and vendors. Diversity and decentralization is integral to market reach - and to deliver upon the evolving customer expectations. Deeper alignment also needed for increasing regulatory/ compliance requirements, market threats, product safety considerations, channel data and market intelligence.

Rising risks, costs & complexities

More to manage from manpower inflation to regulatory requirements. Talent is becoming scarce and expensive. Increasing need for reporting, visibility and traceability. Manual work is increasingly expensive and error-rpone. Back and forth of manual interfaces across standalong ERP/IT systems with high duplication and inefficient handoffs are a cause for adverse event.

Brand responsibility is paramount (so is the reputation)

Brand has to own-up for the entire chain - across the channel. Customers expect directly from the brand - irrespective of who they deal with in the chain. With rising customer intolerance and impatience, brands are consciously shaping and monitoring performance across the end-to-end chain.

Leverage channel data for complete business intelligence

Need clean channel data real-time. Real-time fresh data instead of stale reported data.

Digital channels are here to stay, and both B2B buyers and company-internal sales professionals are using them to complete transactions. B2B eBusiness and channel strategy professionals and their ecosystem partners must create websites that network B2B buyers researching online with call centers, inside sales agents, field sales professionals, and their own internal websites.
Explore Hotlink to create more opportunities for growth and efficiency with coordinated business networks - Join the global ecosystem of professionals, products, brands and companies getting hyper-connected for hyper-performance.

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