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Web Ordering


How suppliers and their trading partners send and receive orders determines their success. Web ordering automates the order process which enhances overall visibility, data integrity, and order accuracy by eliminating the drawbacks of a traditional distribution cycle.

Avoid the unnecessary waste of time and resources, brought about by manual data exchange, across multiple trading partners and their varied trade formats, leading to inefficient data, lengthier order to cash cycles and inconsistencies in output. Instead through web ordering gain real time perspective into the order process, from the time the order is placed by the buyer and validated by the supplier to be packed and rolled out, attain instant and consistent updates, every time the order progresses to the next stage in the order process.

The eXchange offers:

  • Increase in order process efficiency
  • Reduced errors and order cycle time
  • Transparency across trade partners
  • Easy traceability at any stage of the order process
  • Real-time updates on order progress

The eXchange increases efficiency throughout the order process, and across trading partners as a result of reduced errors and cycle time. Enabling transparent communication and budding trading partner relations, as the eXchange simply replicates the order, to ensure repeatedly one version of the truth. Inevitably gain an advantage over competition.

Multiply Growth. Multiply Efficiency. {{comment:comment:Contact Us}}.

Last edited: August 3, 2018